As you make your end of the year giving plans, we hope you'll consider a gift in support of Beidler Forest Audubon Center & Sanctuary and the birds we protect every day!
Scouts connect trails at Beidler's new grassland-woodland trail
The swamp has missed you...
With 2020 drawing to a close, our Audubon South Carolina team is already well into planning and preparation for the year ahead. But we’re also pausing to reflect on all we accomplished this year, in spite of unprecedented challenges. As our invaluable supporters, we invite you to take a moment to learn a little more about how we're approaching our work here at Audubon South Carolina, as well as some of our greatest accomplishments of the past year.
They say what gets measured gets managed, which is one reason Audubon South Carolina invests heavily in avian science and research.
With ever-increasing development pressures and an abundance of manicured lawns replacing what was once productive habitat for birds, Audubon’s Bird-Friendly Communities initiative aims to educate people on individual actions they can take to create vital habitat “life rafts” for our birds.