Sunnier Days Ahead for Solar in South Carolina?

Sunnier Days Ahead for Solar in South Carolina?

Audubon supports newly introduced bills in South Carolina's House and Senate that would increase access to clean, affordable solar energy.

Beidler Forest Christmas Bird Count in Review

Beidler Forest Christmas Bird Count in Review

Results of the 10th Four Holes Swamp Christmas Bird Count include new species, but low overall numbers.

The Story of Crab Bank: To Be Continued...

The Story of Crab Bank: To Be Continued...

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has yet to award the contract for the Lower Harbor portion of the Charleston Harbor deepening project, extending the final cost estimate and timeline for the restoration of Mt. Pleasant's Crab Bank Seabird Sanctuary Island.

Reflections from the Swamp

Reflections from the Swamp

Mike Dawson reflects on the nearly 40 years he spent working at the Audubon Center and Sanctuary at Francis Beidler Forest before retiring this fall.

Introducing...John Jay Audubon!

Introducing...John Jay Audubon!

Audubon South Carolina is pleased to introduce the newest member of our team: John Jay Audubon!

One Person’s Leftovers Are Another Person’s Treasure

One Person’s Leftovers Are Another Person’s Treasure

Extra sand is an outcome of all dredging projects, and Audubon wants to use it to rebuild a vital nesting island in South Carolina.

Our 2018 Photo Contest Finalists

Our 2018 Photo Contest Finalists

Here are the finalists of the 2018 Audubon South Carolina Photography Contest.

Save Crab Bank Flotilla

Save Crab Bank Flotilla

As the deadline to raise funds to renourish Crab Bank looms large, we're taking to the water to raise awareness of this South Carolina gem. Join us on Saturday, September 30, for this family-friendly event!

From Holaniku To Crab Bank: Saving Seabird Sanctuaries (and Ourselves)

From Holaniku To Crab Bank: Saving Seabird Sanctuaries (and Ourselves)

— Charleston Museum event will explore connections between the work of the Kure Atoll Conservancy in Hawaii and efforts to restore South Carolina's own Crab Bank Seabird Sanctuary.
Education is Key to Protecting Nesting and Resting Shorebirds

Education is Key to Protecting Nesting and Resting Shorebirds

This summer, Audubon South Carolina's Shorebird Steward volunteers worked hard to protect shorebirds by educating beachgoers on how to respectfully share the beach with nesting and resting coastal birds.