With the spring season right around the corner, migration is fast approaching. And with spring migration, comes the return of Prothonotary Warblers to the swamp!
Welcome Audubon South Carolina’s new Development Manager, Maggie Kalergis!
Come see the Pine Siskins for yourself at Beidler's Grassland-Woodland Trails!
In addition to our on-the-ground conservation work, Audubon uses grassroots advocacy with elected officials to effect pragmatic, bipartisan policy change with the power to protect birds on a larger scale.
Comprising 22,000 acres of vital habitat, Audubon South Carolina’s two nature centers and sanctuaries not only serve as habitat life-rafts for hundreds of bird species and other wildlife, but they also offer a place of respite and education for thousands of visitors of all ages and interests every year.
Together with the help of public and private partners and dedicated volunteers, Audubon South Carolina is fighting to protect, restore and create suitable habitat for South Carolina’s coastal birds, which face myriad threats, from rising sea levels to rapid development.
With forest bird populations in decline, Audubon South Carolina is on a mission to educate landowners on forest management techniques that protect and shelter birds, reduce carbon emissions, and generate profits.
With ever-increasing development pressures and an abundance of manicured lawns replacing what was once productive habitat for birds, Audubon’s Bird-Friendly Communities initiative aims to educate people on individual actions they can take to create vital habitat “life rafts” for our birds.