Tanager Trail

Highlights: Habitat diversity; swamp forest edges and warbler migration; short swamp boardwalk.
Length: 2 mile loop
e-Bird: Silver Bluff Audubon - Tanager Trail
The first half-mile of Tanager is middle-age pine forest. Brushy edges can be good for White-eyed Vireo and Fox Sparrow. The trail takes a 90 degree turn to the left and more hardwoods are present. In winter, scan the tops of sycamores for Pine Siskin, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Purple Finch and American Goldfinch; Hermit Thrush are here also. Farther along the trail a 90-foot boardwalk leads to a small ephemeral pond. This area and the next half-mile of the trail are reliable for Red-headed Woodpecker.
After visiting the boardwalk, return to the main trail and turn left. The next half-mile of trail sports regenerating longleaf pine to the right and swamp hardwoods to the left. This is some of the best spring and fall warbler watching at SBAS—Cerulean and Worm-eating have been seen here. In winter, Black-and-white Warbler and White-breasted Nuthatch may be seen. The dense vegetation under the young pines attracts Gray Catbird, White-eyed Vireo, Eastern Towhee, and House Wren. In summer Indigo Buntings and Blue Grosbeaks nest here. Watch the perches along the forest edge for Eastern Phoebe and Eastern Wood-Pewee.
The last half-mile of Tanager Trail is pine forest. A small opening to the left is sometimes good for Palm Warbler during Winter. This section of the trail is also very good for Bachman’s Sparrow in Spring and Summer.
Kathwood Ponds
Highlights: Short trail with excellent views of ponds and mudflats. Herons, egrets, and shorebirds in late summer and fall.
Quail Trail
Highlights: Sensational view of the Savannah River; brush and field birds edge and grassland birds; cultural history.
Nuthatch Trail
Highlights: Longleaf pine ecosystem; Bachman’s Sparrow; Red-cockaded Woodpecker Habitat, Interpretive stations for kids.
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