Silver Bluff

Ecologically, Silver Bluff is valued for its diversity, including 700 acres of native longleaf pine, 500 acres of mature bottomland hardwood forests, 100 acres of grassland, and 50 acres of lakes and ponds.
This diversity makes Silver Bluff a haven for wildlife and wildlife watchers. More than 200 bird species have been spotted here, including Bald Eagles (considered threatened in South Carolina) and Wood Storks (considered threatened throughout the U.S.). Other species are plentiful too:
- Bald Eagle (year-round)
- Barred Owl (year-round)
- Great Crested Flycatcher (spring/summer)
- Hermit Thrush (fall/winter)
- Kinglets (Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned — fall/winter)
- Mississippi Kite (spring/summer)
- Northern Parula (spring/summer)
- Nuthatches (year-round)
- Red-shouldered Hawk (year-round)
- Painted Bunting (spring/summer)
- Wood Stork (summer)
- Woodpeckers (Pileated, Downy, Red-bellied, and Red-headed — year-round)
- Vireos (White-eyed and Red-eyed — spring/summer/fall. Blue-headed — winter)
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo (spring/summer)
- And more . . . .
- Beaver
- Bobcat
- Coyote (a non-native species)
- Fox Squirrel
- Gray Fox
- Nine-banded Armadillo (a non-native species)
- Raccoon
- Red Fox
- River Otter
- Virginia Opossum
- White-tailed Deer
- And more . . . .
Reptiles & Amphibians
- American Alligator
- Corn Snake
- Eastern Cottonmouth
- Eastern Fence Lizard
- Eastern Mud Turtle
- Gray Rat Snake
- Gray Tree Frog
- Green Anole
- Hognose Snake
- Leopard Frog
- Ornate Chorus Frog
- Red Salamander
- Slimy Salamander
- Yellow-bellied Slider
- And more . . . .
Spiders & Insects
- Carolina Mantis
- Common Baskettail Dragonfly
- Crab Spider
- Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly
- Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
- Golden Orb Weaver
- Gulf Fritillary Butterfly
- Luna Moth
- Red-spotted Purple Butterfly
- Roseate Skimmer Dragonfly
- And more . . . .
This is just a small sampling of the wildlife we see at Silver Bluff. Please come explore for yourself!
How you can help, right now
Plan a trip to one of Audubon South Carolina's two wildlife sanctuaries in the state.