This article first appeared in the The Post and Courier.
To increase public awareness of the delicate nature of local habitats of migrating shorebirds, Audubon South Carolina has partnered with the Charleston Animal Society for the new “Let 'em Rest, Let 'em Nest” campaign.
Beginning Memorial Day Weekend, Audubon volunteers will pass out free, bright yellow flying discs along Lowcountry beaches as a reminder to stay at least 50 yards away from birds and nests.
“Let’s show them a little Southern hospitality,” said Nolan Schillerstrom, coastal program coordinator with Audubon South Carolina.
During migration season, shorebirds will use South Carolina beaches to locate food, replenish their energy and hatch their young. Think of it as a “layover” before the birds reach their final destination, Schillerstrom said.
Notable disturbances to their nests can be life-threatening, as it requires extra strength they don’t always have to fend off intruders, such as curious dogs and children.
Reach Liz Foster at 843-937-5581 and follow her on Twitter @TheDizzyLizzieB