
Request for Proposals: Q&A

Strategic Communications & Marketing Consultant RFP Q&A

The following is a list of questions received and answers provided related to Audubon South Carolina's Strategic Communications & Marketing Consultant RFPSimilar questions may be combined or grouped for efficiency. 

Applicants are encouraged to check this page regularly for updates, which will we make on an ongoing, as-needed basis until April 1. 

Last updated on March 25, 2025, 9:37 AM.

Q1: How many existing staff members are working on communications efforts? Additionally, what marketing efforts are they currently doing,  and what percentage of their time do they give to communications efforts?   

A1: Without a dedicated communications staff member, external communications responsibilities are distributed across our 19-person team, with nearly all members contributing in some capacity, whether through content capture or creation, event promotion, or social/traditional media engagement.  

The amount of time each staff member dedicates to these activities varies based on program, season, grant deliverables, and role. Staff with more limited responsibilities are likely to invest between 5 and 10 percent of their time on communications, whereas  others who have more dedicated responsibilities or manage programs with more robust communications needs likely average closer to 20-25 percent.  

Q2: Is there any additional information you can share about how your communications work is work currently structured and managed. 

A2: Below is an overview of key communications activities and who is responsible for managing them. A current organizational chart is available here 

Core Communications Responsibilities 

  • Beidler Forest and Silver Bluff – Center and sanctuary staff promote their own programming and events via email, social media, web, and traditional media platforms. 

  • Conservation Programs – Conservation program staff manage communications for their respective initiatives, including event promotion and educational content, to advance strategic conservation goals related to Coastal Stewardship & Resilience, Bird-Friendly Communities, Community Science & Research, and Working Lands. 

  • Policy and Advocacy – Our Policy Director (Merrill McGregor) oversees policy- and advocacy-related communications, including collateral and action alerts. 

  • Internal Communications, Grants, and Fundraising – Senior leadership manages communications related to internal updates, grants, and fundraising, with support and guidance from national development staff. 

Shared Communications Support  

  • Social Media Management – Our Community Science & Research Manager (Jennifer Tyrrell) currently oversees ASC’s social media accounts, which is a holdover responsibility from her previous role as ASC’s Engagement Manager.

  • Email and Database Management – Our Beidler Forest Center Manager (Emily Davis) provides ad-hoc support for database management and email segmentation/distribution, with backup support provided by Jen Tyrrell. 

  • Web Management & Graphics Support – Our Beidler Forest Center Coordinator (Ricky Covey) provides ad-hoc web support and graphics development; with a handful of other members on the team capable of updating the website as well.  

  • Project Management – Our Operations Manager (Tim Boatright) provides as-needed project management support for major communications initiatives and events. 

  • Strategic Counsel & Media Relations – Our Senior Director (Angelina Ricci Eisenhauer) provides high-level guidance on communications strategy and planning across programs and channels, as well as as-needed support for media relations and content development. 

This dispersed approach, combined with a lack of shared planning and centralized processes, makes it difficult to maintain brand and message alignment, ensure strategic allocation of time and resources, share lessons learned, and maximize efficiency and impact.

Q3: The RFP asks for "clear short-term (6 months), medium-term (1 year), and long-term (2-3 years) communications and marketing goals aligned with Audubon's Flight Plan and anticipated updated national brand guidelines (summer 2025)." Can you confirm that this task refers to broad communications goals and that you are not requesting a 1-3 year marketing plan?  

A3: Yes, we are looking for broad, multi-year communication goals, with insight into how to manage and prioritize these goals. As an example, the consultant may recommend, as part of the goal development process, the need to develop a 1–3-year marketing plan.  

Q4: Is Audubon’s Flight Plan the only source of information on organizational goals or will your consultant also have access to internal stakeholders to provide guidance on organizational goals and overall strategy?  

A4: Yes, the consultant will have access to the internal stakeholders and their knowledge, as well as internal planning documents and other communications resources as needed or requested. 

Q5: Can you share more information about what the national brand guidelines will entail? There is some concern that you are asking for long-term recommendations that could potentially be invalidated with the upcoming guidelines 

A5: We have limited insight into the specifics of the national brand refresh, but we expect the core brand structure and scope to remain consistent with Audubon's current brand guidelines.

Rather than focusing on elements that will likely be determined by or impacted as part of the refresh (e.g. visual identity, tagline, website design, etc.) we see this engagement as an opportunity to improve how we structure, prioritize, and integrate our communications efforts overall.

Specifically, this engagement will: 

  • Strengthen message consistency and integration across programs and audiences, ensuring that our storytelling aligns with Audubon’s Flight Plan milestones and conservation priorities.

  • Create a more cohesive approach to communications, reducing silos and ensuring that our messaging not only supports individual programs but also reinforces Audubon SC’s broader impact. 

  • Develop  guidance and processes that ensure brand guidelines (current or new) are well understood and effectively applied, so that when new branding elements are introduced, we are well-positioned to update materials efficiently. 

  • Improve storytelling and audience engagement, ensuring that our communications are not only brand-aligned but also compelling, clear, and impactful. 

Q6: Do you have an incumbent marketing consultant/vendor who has been working with you on your communications objectives? / Is there a current or former consultant that you all have used for previous projects involved in this as well? 

A6: We have worked with a limited number of consultants on past communications projects, but this is a new endeavor for us and there is no incumbent.  

Q7: I'm assuming this went out to a decent amount of people/firms. How did you hear about us to include in this opportunity? 

A7: The RFP was distributed to curated list of agencies based on a mix of direct referrals/experience, capabilities, and reputation. 

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