There's nothing that lets us show off the talents and avian enthusiasm of others like a bird photography contest! This year. 190 entries were submitted from all parts of the state featuring all species of birds. I don't envy the judges who had to choose the winning submissions, because the quality of work we recieved was fantastic.
Photographs create an instant connection between people and birds, revealing elusive habits and colorful closeups that most people will never witness firsthand. Provided that photographers don't interrupt bird habits to get that one photo, this hobby can be both ecofriendly and an epic scavenger hunt. It can lead to obscure, hidden locations buried in the heart of our own state that are known and cherished only by an adventurous few.
Spreading awareness is a critical part of conservation. Vibrant imagery is one of the best ways to grab people's attention and transform it into a commitment to make a difference for birds. Our thanks to everyone who submitted a photo this year!
The finalists:
1st Place - Stephanie Rossi – Avocet
2nd Place - Lynn Long - Painted Bunting
3rd Place - Fran Baer - Least Bittern
Honorable Mentions:
Fran Baer – White Pelicans
Roger Doyle – Bald Eagle
Carol Haff – Barred Owl
Hank Hearn – Green Heron
Lynn Long – Red Knot
Kelley Luikey – Snowy Egret
Kathryn Newsom – Chuck-will's-widow
Leigh Scott - Anhinga
Leigh Scott – Laughing Gull