Volunteer Outside
Volunteer at Silver Bluff

Audubon's Silver Bluff Sanctuary near Aiken has no shortage of friends who love helping this 3,400-acre property become even more friendly to birds, other wildlife, and visitors. Please call 803.471.0291 if you'd like to learn more about volunteer opportunities, including:
- Gardening: Master Gardener Sherry Wilson (sew@gforcecable.com) leads a team of landscape wizards who regularly plant, prune, and otherwise spruce up Silver Bluff from February to September.
- Great Backyard Bird Count: In February, our local Audubon chapter usually sponsors a field trip to Silver Bluff as part of this National Audubon Society event. Check here for details closer to the date.
- Birdathon: In April, our local Audubon chapter sponsors a 24-hour birdwatching blitz that's also a fundraiser for Silver Bluff. With sponsors pledging dollars for each species sited, birdwatchers scramble through swamp and thicket to spot as many birds as they can. Check here for details closer to the date.
- Migrating Bird Counts: In May and Sept/Oct, all eyes are on the sky as we survey migrating birds. No experience is needed to join the group, but you'll need to be able to tell one bird from another if you're on your own. Again, check here for details closer to the date.
- Butterfly Count: In July, we monitor the health of our butterfly populations. It's lots of fun, kid-friendly, and no experience is needed. Details here closer to the date.
- Bluebird Nest Boxes: Monitor a trail of nest boxes to help ensure the health of this beloved species. The South Carolina Bluebird Society, which coordinates this work, will train and equip you.
- Controlled Burns: A longleaf pine forest needs fire to grow and thrive. At Silver Bluff, we do small "controlled burns" to train volunteers, then call on these folks for help when we're burning larger areas. You do need to be in reasonably good health to particpate. If you're interested, please call.
- And More . . . Seriously, we'll take any help we can get maintaining trails, greeting visitors, etc. Eagle Scouts are welcome to design projects here, too, and we're always open to new ways to involve the public.

How you can help, right now
Plan a trip to one of Audubon South Carolina's two wildlife sanctuaries in the state.