Audubon South Carolina’s board leadership is gifting us with an exciting legacy challenge this year. With confirmed estate gift commitments from Audubon members, we will receive an amount for immediate use in South Carolina, equal to 10% of the bequest’s current value up to $10,000.
Whether your future gift is directed to general Audubon programs or those in South Carolina (like the Beidler or Silver Bluff Audubon Centers), birds in our state will receive additional support today.
Your future gift can come from your retirement plan, will or trust, annuity, or life insurance policy.
How to participate: Let us know you are leaving a gift to Audubon or Audubon South Carolina programs, with the estimated amount of your gift. We will get in touch for additional details to make your gift count towards the legacy challenge.
What if you don’t know the exact amount of your future gift?
That’s okay. We’ll ask you to make your best guess estimate in today’s dollars. Nothing you put down is legally binding and you can change your plans at any time. This is just an informal “thumbs up” from you that we can count on you in the future.
Have questions? Reach out to Shari Kolding at 212-979-3033 or plannedgifts@audubon.org.
How you can help, right now
Plan a trip to one of Audubon South Carolina's two wildlife sanctuaries in the state.